🐲 characters 🌈

This page covers our characters and their relevant information and backstories.



(This section is about Voxel the fictional character. For information about the real people, see the about us page.)


speciesdragon, Player
contextMinesona, fursona, avatar

Minecraft info

hybrid typedragon, nether enderman
classplayer, admin
home serverthe Stability Survur
weapon of choicetrident


A flag with 7 mirrored stripes: black, gray, white, and green. 5 stripes: 2 green, white, gray, black 4 stripes: black, gray, white, purple
Voxel is a feral, western dragon. It is mostly teal. Its belly plates are maroon and have glowing orange in-between them. The tops of its wings are purple and teal, and the bottom glow orange. Its ears are also orange inside. Its face, feet, and tail tip are also purple. It has maroon horns with teal inlaid; they look like tree bark. It has maroon spines down its back with glowing orange undersides. There is something mossy dripping from its body and its tail tip. It has warped fungi growing from its shoulders and hips.
Reference (© 2023 PositivelyPuffin)
Voxel's face and wings. It is facing the viewer. The image is symmetrical, except that Voxel's horns are inherently asymmetrical.
Front view (© 2023 PositivelyPuffin)
Voxel's face and shoulders. Its body is facing the viewer's right and its head is turned toward the left. Two warped fungi are on its right shoulder.
Left view (© 2023 PositivelyPuffin)
Voxel's face and wings. It is facing the viewer's right and looking toward the viewer.
Right view (© 2023 PositivelyPuffin)
A Minecraft-style low-poly model of Voxel is standing on its hind legs with its left forepaw up.
3D model (created by us)
A Minecraft player skinned to look like an anthropomorphic Voxel.
Minecraft skin (created by us)
A large, golden trident. There is lapis lazuli on parts of the handle. One prong has redstone, the second has amethyst, and the third has diamond.
Proxy Trident (model by us, Minecraft textures © Mojang Studios)
An icon of Voxel displaying pride flags in various ways. The following flags are present: transgender, plural journey, demiboy, alternate bigender with yellow stripe, transspecies with compass rose, nonhuman unity, aromantic, asexual, agender, and tomboy.
Pride icon (© 2024 Hallow_)
3D model (created by us)
simplified 3D model (created by us)


Voxel was born in a village in the warped forest. Its people are an undead race of dragons who live in a symbiotic relationship with the warped fungi. They say that their ancestors came from the end to the nether many generations ago. Some believe they are related to endermen or even to the ender dragon.

Growing up, it became frustrated and restless with its small corner of the nether. With the help of some piglin friends of its, Voxel was able to build a portal and travel to the overworld. It proceeded to explore far and wide, visiting many worlds and never staying anywhere long.

After meeting friends along its travels, Voxel decided to become an admin so it and its friends would have a safe place in the universe. It was not long before the group noticed the first signs that something was off. The world was... uncertain and things seemed often amiss, or would break unexpectedly. Voxel, tongue in cheek, named their home the Stability Survur (yes it is spelled like that). The world fell apart further and further, and after a particularly catastrophic event, became too unstable to live on.

This pattern continued for another 5? 6? worlds (one got brought back once and that makes everything hard to count). Eventually, the group met the source of the destruction. There had been a demon living in the Survur. He was a kind demon and had been fulfilling players' wishes unbeknownst to them, but he took he power from the fabric of reality itself, leading to the world around him falling apart. The players were not upset by this, accepting that this was how their home operated, and Voxel allowed the demon to stay.

The Proxy Trident

To better attune to the worlds it administrates, Voxel forged a unique tool: a trident imbued with various minerals of the Minecraft world.

The three purposes of the trident points are written on them in the same runes used in the enchanting table. The trident's wielder uses it as a staff to connect to a world or a whole server. First, the redstone prong connects the user to the fabric of their world, then the amethyst prong synchronizes their wills so the wielder sees through the world's eyes and the world may hear their thoughts. Finally, the diamond prong stabilizes the environment so the region does not crumble. It is all channeled by the immense magical potential of the gold and powered by the lapis lazuli.

Drachronicles characters



pronounsyow/yown, she/her
contextDrachronicles, roleplay

Drachronicles info

time periodancient wolf packs
packPack of the Creek
A white wolf (Rainclaw) with blue eyes and claws.
Rainclaw (drawn by us)


Rainclaw (or Rainy to yar friends) was born into the Pack of the Creek. Yar best friend growing up was a wolf named Darkthorn. When Darkthorn discovered yow was originally from the valley's other pack, the Pack of the Deep, yow returned to yar home and became the alpha. Around the same time, Rainclaw became alpha of the Pack of the Creek. They brought the packs together into the Pack of Dragon. Rainclaw had two pups. One of them, Dragonmoon, was known to the Drachfen as the first of their kind.



pronounsthu/thur, he/him
contextDrachronicles, roleplay

Drachronicles info

time periodpost-Skydwellers
drachfen specieselectric


5 mirrored stripes: outward from the center: white, pink, blue 3 stripes: pink, purple, blue
A reference sheet for a wyvern: Peregrine. The wyvern is purple with a bright teal underbelly and ram horns. His wings are bright red. He has sparkly indigo scales on top of his head and on his wrists and ankles.
Reference (drawn by us)
A screenshot of a dragon maker flash game. The dragon displayed is Peregrine. He has blue claws.
Flash game (Dragon Maker © Wyndbain)
A heroforge model of Peregrine.
Heroforge model (Heroforge assets © Sky Castle Studios)


Peregrine, or Peri, is a reincarnation of the dragon Rainclaw, who was empress of the Skydwellers' Kingdom. The Skydwellers' Kingdom came after the time of the Drachfen and Rainclaw the dragon was named after the ancient wolf Rainclaw. There is a prophecy that Peri will finish the work that the dragon Rainclaw started and return the Skydwellers' Kingdom to its former glory.

Zetric dragons



speciesZetric dragon
contextZetric dragon

Zetric info

agearound 40
electricity colorgreen


7 mirrored stripes: outward from the center: one white, one blue, two gray A charcoal grey flag bisected diagonally from the top left corner to the lower right right corner by five parallel stripes in red, pale gold, pale grey, light blue, and green.
A Zetric dragon: furred and wingless. He has a pair of tail-like antennae sweeping back from his head, with spades at the end. He is a very muted green with a light blue mane and legs. One of his legs is prosthetic; it is dark green and silver. His tail comes to a regular, rounded point. He has three dark green stripes on his back and one on each cheek. He has two earrings on his visible ear. He is also wearing a skull necklace and a cape of leaves. He is wearing a butterfly ribbon at the base of his tail and a set of mushrooms attached to the tip.
Reference (© 2024 GothicGhost System)


Olibaloe, or Oli, was born without a tail spade. He was bullied for this occasionally growing up, but many of his peers stood up for him. He came eventually to love his difference and decorate it in various ways. He lost his leg to an infection in his 20s. He sees this, but not his lack of tail spade, as a disability. He is passionate about disability advocacy and wetland conservation.



speciesZetric dragon
contextZetric dragon

Zetric info

electricity colororange


A flag with 7 mirrored stripes: black, gray, white, and green.
A Zetric dragon: furred and wingless. Hy has a pair of tail-like antennae sweeping back from hys head. There are spades at the ends of hys tail and antennae. He is a lighter gray on top and a darker gray underneath and on hys antennae. The ends of hys tail and antennae are very dark gray. Hy has a dark gray and dark green mane, and fur on hys forearms, calves, butt, and spades. Hy wears metal bands on hys left antenna and earrings on hys right ear. There are leaves in hys mane, bandages on hys tail, and a bracelet on hys right hind leg.
Reference (© 2024 GothicGhost System)
Solard leaping to the left. There is a tree in the background. Motion blur indicates high speed.
Leaping! (© 2024 GothicGhost System)


If you ask Solard how long hy has lived here for, hy will tell you it is as long as hy can remember. If you ask hymn where “here” is, you will find hy was never here to begin with. When you visit hymn, hy will offer you a cup of tea (a human will prepare this tea, as Solard has no thumbs) and regale you with stories of ages long gone. Hy knows everything there is to know, it seems, except for your most burning questions. Those you must answer for yourself.

The Kelptain


speciesZetric dragon
pronounswhatever gets stuff done
contextZetric dragons

Zetric info

electricity colorpurple
A Zetric dragon: furred and wingless. They have a pair of tail-like antennae sweeping back from their head. There are spades at the end of their tail and antennae. They have vertical sails on their head and back, and horizontal sails on their tail. They have claw-like growths on their chest and cheeks. They are green, with a lighter green on their head, back, antennae, and tail. They have wavey white markings in these places as well.
Reference (© 2024 GothicGhost System)


The Kelptain always wanted to be commander of something. It's not that she enjoys bossing people around, but more that there is so much to do in the world and someone has to make sure it gets done.

Wings of Fire dragons



contextWings of Fire OC

Wings of Fire info

hybrid traitslight up scales change color
homethe southern shore of the Rainforest Kingdom


5 stripes: pink, yellow, white, purple, blue.
The head of a dragon: Catfish. From nose to back of head she is: green, yellow, red, purple, and brown. The top of her head and the frills coming out the back are pink. Her horns are green. Her neck is light blue and has gills. She has blue and pink light-up scales on her cheek.
Catfish's head (drawn by us)
A drawing on paper of Catfish from the shoulder up. His wings are green, yellow, and red like his snout.
Traditional drawing (drawn by PositivelyPuffin)


The shores of the Rainforest Kingdom are populated by a surprising number of Rain/Sea hybrids. This community, however, is frustratingly conservative from Catfish's perspective. She grappled with her gender identity a lot growing up, and it took until meeting a band of young dragons from Possibility for him to learn that a dragon can be both male and female. He lives now on the outskirts of his community with some like-minded dragons. They love her exactly as she is.



contextWings of Fire OC
A HiveWing dragon. He is mostly red, with darker red on his face, wing digits, and parts of his back, tail, and legs. His underbelly is orange. He has black on parts of his neck and on his feet. He has insect wings.
Velvet reference (base © Peregrincella, coloring by us)


Velvet was always an avid supporter of Queen Wasp. Being compelled by her is an important part of his life. He cannot taste, which affects him significantly more than one would think. He is generally very grumpy, and enjoys the sense of purpose being a HiveWing gives him.