🐲 projects 🌈

Here are some things we've made and projects we're working on. Click the titles to visit or download.

A cube with 3 visible faces. Top: dark red with dark gray edges. Left: light red with darker gray edges. Right: teal with even darker gray edges. Nylium Network

This is our website dedicated to hosting various works by and about Minecraftfolk (alterhumans whose alterhumanity is linked to Minecraft or associated works). We welcome fiction, personal essays, drawings, audiovisual works, and more.

A cube. The top face is white, the left face is green, and the right face is purple. All three visible faces have an alt key symbol on them. Long Dream Support Group

Are you alterhuman, otherkin, fictionkin, a fictive, or similar? Do you have a Minecraft or related source? Or do you like to discuss and play Minecraft with like-minded people?

If so, then come join our discord server! We're aimed at 'kin, fictives, etc. with identities related to Minecraft and Minecraft youtube/streaming, but welcome anyone who wants to join!

The Otherkin Wiki logo: a gothic capital letter O in a box, similar looking to an illuminated manuscript but more modern. Otherkin Wiki

We and Willow and have recently taken over the Otherkin Wiki from mordecai and joey of allium (蒜) house. The wiki is about otherkin and similar communities.

A crude drawing of a solar eclipse. Drachronicles

This is some worldbuilding we're working on about a society of dragons. It's somewhat based on some roleplay we did in high school.

A green square rotated 45 degrees with a red lens shape on each side. Square Banner Resource Pack

a Minecraft screenshot of a white concrete wall, 16 blocks wide and 8 blocks tall. Every block is covered with a glow item frame holding a banner in item form. Each row has a different color of banners. From the top, they are: pink, red, orange, yellow, lime, cyan, blue, and purple.
Without Resource Pack
a Minecraft screenshot of a white concrete wall, 16 blocks wide and 8 blocks tall. Every block is covered with a glow item frame holding a banner. The banners fill out the item frames, covering the wall completely. Each row has a different color of banners. From the top, they are: pink, red, orange, yellow, lime, cyan, blue, and purple.
With Resource Pack

This pack was originally created for Minecraft: Java Edition 1.12 by Jragon014. link to her video.

After Jragon disappeared from YouTube, a Minecraft update broke the pack. We did some poking around and were able to find her on Reddit, but she had clearly moved on from Minecraft, so we decided to fix the pack on our own.

It can display patterned banners as well, as shown in Jragon's video.

If redistributing the pack, be sure to name Jragon014 as the main author.

a Minecraft block with a gray radial gradient and various haphazard colors Rainblow Mod

We (probably mostly The Dog) made this mod for 1.8.9 at a summer camp when we were 12.