🐲 Drachronicles 🌈


In the early days of drachic society, the drachfen organized themselves into '''clans'''. These clans varied in size and species composition. They typically built, and lived in, large castles.

clan structure

Each clan was led by an alpha. The method of an alpha's rule, as well as the method by which the alpha was chosen, differed between clans.

Many small clans functioned like households. The alpha was the head and the final maker of most decisions, but drae would take into account ideas from all clan members. In large clans, the alpha often would appoint a small council whom drae would consult on important decisions. Rarely, an alpha would rule alone.

Most clans, especially early on, used competition to determine their alphas. The most common way to do this was a physical battle between candidates, which could be to the death or not. Among larger clans, the role of alpha was often hereditary, with some dynasties lasting many generations. An alpha might also have been chosen in a more democratic way.

In addition to the alpha, most clans had a seer, who acted as the religious leader and had the most direct connection to the moon and the ocean.