🐲 Drachronicles 🌈


The drachfen, also known as the Dragons of the Eclipse, are a composed of five species of dragon who share a culture and history.

igneous drachfen

The igneous drachfen, also known as fire dragons, are a species of drachfen known for their fire breath.

physical description

Igneous drachfen range from lithe to bulky. Their scales may come in any color ranging from red, through oranges and yellows, to green. They tend to be the same color all over, but the wing membranes and underbelly may be a different (often lighter) shade. Some may have iridescent scales. They are among the larger of the drachfen, with the largest individuals dwarfed only by some geologic drachfen.

unique abilities

Igneous drachfen are capable of spitting fire. They possess an organ that connects to their throat from which they generate a flammable gas. They ignite this gas using a structure in their throat, similar to using a flint and steel. Much of their bodies are no less susceptible to lighting on fire than any other living creature's. The exception is their throat and mouth, which are lined with a flame retardant substance.

cultural expectations

Igneous drachfen are generally expected to be physically strong. They are also to have strong connections to the [[moon dragon]], because it is their fire-breathing ability that relights the sun when she crashes into it. There is a theory that igneous drachfen are the eldest variety of drachfen, and some dragons expect them to hold themselves to a higher standard because of it.

Some dragons believe that, because igneous drachfen are strong, connected to the moon dragon, and alleged to be the eldest variety, that they are uniquely qualified to hold positions of power.


Some drachic scholars speculate that igneous drachfen are the most closely related to the canine ancestors. As the original dragons who are believed to be the progenitors of the drachfen transformed from wolves into dragons, their fur turned green, which is a color commonly seen in the scales of igneous drachfen. Stories say that there was a period in which all of the igneous drachfen went missing. Through powers yet unknown, they were dragged into the underworld, soon plunging the entire drachlae into an endless night. Upon rescue, they were able to relight the sun.

electric drachfen

The electric drachfen, also known as lightning dragons, are a species of drachfen known for their lightning harnessing.

physical description

Electric drachfen tend to have long limbs and large wings. They mostly come in blues, grays and purples, with their wings often a different color from the rest of their body. Some yellow or white streaks or spots may be seen, especially on the wings. They tend to be on the smaller side, not counting their wings, which have some of the largest wingspans among the drachfen.

unique abilities

The size and composition of a lightning dragon's wings allows thu to harness and redirect large amounts of static electricity. They use this ability mainly for hunting and art.

cultural expectations

Historically, clans were often led by electric drachfen. There persists in the cultural consciousness an idea that they are naturally better leaders.


Opinion is divided on how old the electric drachfen are. Some dragons say they are some of the oldest drachfen, while others say they are among the youngest. In the days of the clans, electric drachfen were often found in leadership positions. Occasionally, there would be entire dynasties of electric drachfen, with the same family ruling a clan, or a few neighboring clans, for many generations.

geologic drachfen

Geologic drachfen, also known as stone dragons, are a species of drachfen with tough scales and high stamina.

physical description

Stone dragons are the largest and bulkiest of the drachfen. They tend to have a lot of blubber or muscle under their scales, depending on the dragon and its lifestyle. Their scales are extremely tough and typically come in grays and browns. Looking closely at a stone dragon will often reveal a few scattered scales in vibrant hues, which catch the light and sparkle. Geologic drachfen have shorter, stubbier limbs than other drachfen, but those limbs are very powerful. They have the strongest bite force. Their wings tend to be smaller and some geologic drachfen cannot fly.

unique abilities

The strength and stamina of the geologic drachfen allows them to survive longer in extreme conditions than other drachfen can. Some, especially those with high amounts of blubber, can survive up to three times as long without eating as other drachfen species. Their powerful limbs allow them to burrow through tough ground, and sometimes even rock. Under the right conditions, a stone dragon may not even need to sleep for many days in a row.

cultural expectations

Geologic drachfen tend to be more solitary than other drachfen, and are seen as more studious. Some drachfen believe that their ability to stay on a task for a long time without rest lends itself well to academic study. This extends to them being stereotyped as generally smart. The far northern march of the drachlae is almost entirely populated by geologic drachfen, whose blubber is the thickest known among drachfen.


Some dragons claim that geologic drachfen, rather than igneous drachfen, are the oldest drachfen. This view typically coincides with a rejection of the idea that drachfen came from wolves. In the clans, geologic drachfen were often scribes, as well as castle builders. It was also not uncommon to see them in leadership positions, owing to their ability to survive a fight.

aquatic drachfen

Aquatic drachfen, also known as water dragons, are a species of drachfen who live partially underwater.

physical description

Aquatic drachfen are medium-sized with their muscle concentrated in their limbs. Said limbs are short, with long, webbed digits. Their tails have large flukes at the end. Their wings are designed for swimming, making flight somewhat difficult. They tend to come in blues and greens, although dark grays may be seen as well. Dramatic countershading is common.

unique abilities

Aquatic drachfen hatch underwater from soft, fish-like eggs. They are entirely aquatic for the first few years of their life. Even as they age and develop lungs, they retain the ability to breathe water through their gills. They are extremely capable swimmers all throughout their lives.

cultural expectations

Aquatic drachfen often live underwater, even as adults. This puts them in less close contact with other species, compared with the rest of the drachfen. They may be stereotyped as untrustworthy because of this. There is nothing, however, preventing a water dragon from living with other species of drachfen. Because of their underwater habitats, many aquatic drachfen follow a religion similar to the river-based ancestor worship religion of the ancient wolves. Some dragons of other species are less willing to trust those who follow this religion, while some aquatic drachfen who follow it may consider aquatic drachfen who don't to be assimilationist.


Aquatic drachfen often lived in their own clans, although one might find a water dragon in a terrestrial clan as well. The mistrust of aquatic drachfen was more significant in the clan days, and conflict often arose between aquatic clans and terrestrial clans.

botanical drachfen

Botanical drachfen, also known as plant dragons, are a species of drachfen who are capable of photosynthesis.

physical description

Botanical drachfen have strong cores, and relatively thin limbs. The majority of their body has greens and browns, with splashes of vibrant color here and there, especially on the head and wings. They are the smallest drachfen by a significant margin. Their wings are thin and insect-like.

unique abilities

The scales of botanical drachfen house chloroplasts, which allows the dragons to photosynthesize. Some choose to forgo heterotrophy entirely in favor of obtaining all their energy from the sun and air. However, compared with other drachfen, they are particularly susceptible to cold weather.

cultural expectations

Botanical drachfen can afford to be pickier about their food than other drachfen can. This has led some to stereotype them as snobbish. Others see them as particularly kind and easygoing because they don't have to work as hard to find nourishment, giving them more time and less of a sense of urgency.


Some dragons speculate that botanical dragons aren't animals at all, and are in fact plants. This has led some to claim that they are not drachfen at all, while others claim that being drachfen is about culture, not species. Botanical drachfen, like aquatic drachfen, often formed their own clans. However, unlike aquatic drachfen, it was quite common to find them among mixed-species clans as well. They were rarely clan leaders in the early days, but some notable botanical drachfen rose to power toward the end of the clan era.


Many drachfen believe they came from ancient wolves who were blessed by the moon to grow wings. The drachfen emerged when one of these wolves was called by the moon to venture out into the world.