🐲 Drachronicles 🌈


The drachlae is the home of the drachfen. It is an area roughly the size of Europe, with a range of biomes and climates.

in the north is a frozen region with fjords. In the west is a large forest, east of which is a mountain range and then a desert. In the south east is a vibrant green region.

drachfen distribution

Igneous drachfen may be found across the entire drachlae, with a particular concentration in the eastern mountains and desert. Electric drachfen equally are found everywhere, but tend to avoid the northern fjords. Geologic drachfen are more suited to the mountains and fjords than other species are, and can be found in greater abundance there. Aquatic drachfen prefer to make their homes in and around the rivers. Botanical drachfen live mostly in the western forests and the south, but some vastly prefer the mountains or desert.

wolfpack locations

The packs of wolves whom many drachfen believe are their ancestors are said to have lived in the river valley dividing the mountains. Some claim, however, that it was a different valley, such as one in the western forest, that was their home.


To the drachfen, a lae is a region of land, especially one associated with a certain fen, or people.